Thursday, January 2, 2014

Skinny Cheeseburger

No matter how good I am, I occasionally get the craving for a big cheeseburger. Here's a healthier way to go about it than stopping by McDonald's.

1 sandwich round
4 oz. 93-97% lean ground beef
Season salt and pepper to taste
1 thin slice cheddar cheese
1T light mayo
2 tomato slices
1 lettuce leaf
Dill pickle stackers
1/2T ketchup
7-8 asparagus spears

Make beef into patty and salt and pepper to taste. Grill or pan fry in skillet with cooking spray (be sure to cover skillet to keep meat moist). Add cheese in last few minutes of cooking.
While burger is cooking, steam or sautee asparagus spears. Salt and pepper to taste.
Spread mayo over sandwich round. Add ketchup, pickles, lettuce and tomato. Pretend your asparagus spears are french fries and enjoy!


Does anyone else hear fajitas and automatically think "healthy"? They've always seemed like a healthy option to me, whether they are or aren't! Either way, here's the way I make them that feels healthy to me!

1T Extra virgin olive oil
Taco seasoning to taste
1/2 Chicken breast sliced
Sliced bell pepper (all colors)
Sliced onion
1/4 C. cheddar cheese
2 whole wheat tortillas

Heat olive oil in skillet over medium heat. Add chicken breast, taco seasoning and onions and sautee until done. Remove chicken and add bell pepper and sautee' until soft (you may need to add a little more oil). Add chicken mixture back to skillet and sautee for a few more minutes.
Soften tortillas in microwave for a few seconds then fill with chicken mixture and cheese. May serve with salsa and light sour cream if desired.

Healthy Toastada

I've only made this once and didn't get a picture, but it was really good!

2 Corn tortillas
Cooking spray
1/2 C. cooked black beans (mashed)
1/8 C. cheddar cheese
1/2 avocado (chopped)
Chopped tomato
Chopped lettuce
Chopped onions

Pinch garlic salt
1/4 C. Salsa
1T light sour cream

Heat oven to 350 and spray cookie sheet with cooking spray. Place tortillas on cookie sheet and bake until golden brown or crispy. Turn tortillas to cook other side.
Spread mashed beans on crispy tortilla and top with cheese, avocado, tomato, lettuce, salsa, sour cream and sprinkle with garlic salt.

Chicken Tacos

Have you seen this trick on Pinterest? It's completely changed how I feel about tacos! This paired with boneless skinless chicken breast actually makes a pretty healthy and easy meal.
1/2 chicken breast
Taco seasoning to taste
2 corn tortillas
1/2 avocado (mashed or chopped)
Chopped tomato
Copped lettuce
1/8 C. cheddar cheese
1/4 C. Salsa
1T Light sour cream

Prepare tortillas as shown above. Place chicken in crockpot on low for 4-5 hours or high for 2-3 hours, along with taco seasoning and salsa.
Shred chicken when cooked through. Add to taco shells and top with avocado, tomato, cheese, lettuce, sour cream and more salsa if desired.

Chicken and Veggies

This is a classic for anyone trying to lose weight. In the height of my weight loss, I think I ate chicken and veggies at least 2-3 times a week. Remember you always want skinless chicken and I almost always use boneless skinless chicken breast, because it tends to be the leanest. It can get dry though so try to cover it when you're cooking or grill it for the best flavor.

Some quick vegetable ideas to add to your chicken are steamed green beans, steamed carrots, steamed broccoli, corn on the cob, salad and sauteed zucchini and squash with onions.

This is another one of those recipes where you can improvise with whatever veggies you like. I LOVE having a picture of food with a big heaping pile of veggies like the one on the top right. I always try to have a salad on the side to up the veggie intake of whatever dinner I'm eating.

Seasonings to taste
1/2 chicken breast
veggies of your choice
(easy right??)

Season then bake, pan fry (with cooking spray) or grill chicken breast.
Steam or grill veggies. Season and serve.

Another way to prepare is something else that's been floating around Pinterest:
Preheat oven to 350. Spray baking dish with non-stick spray. Line dish with rows of chicken, then veggies (I've seen broccoli and carrots used). Cover with foil and bake for 45 mins. or until chicken is cooked through.

Note: Try not to prepare your veggies with butter, instead, use Butter Buds or buttery spray, or slowly wean yourself off butter altogether. It can be done! Especially if you prepare your veggies with good seasonings!

Turkey/Chicken Wrap

This is another quick alternative to sandwiches if you're sick of them, or just want to try something new.

1 whole wheat tortilla
2-3 slices lean deli meat or 1/3 grilled chicken breast
Bell pepper slices
Tomato slices
Chopped lettuce
Cucumber slices
Light Hidden Valley Ranch or 1/2 mashed avocado
Salt and pepper to taste
1/8 C. cheddar cheese or cheese stick (grated)

Place all ingredients in tortilla and roll. Serve with apple or string cheese.

Healthy Nachos

I always crave Mexican food when I'm pregnant and these nachos got me through the first trimester without feeling too guilty!

Cooking spray
1 whole wheat tortilla
1/4 C. black beans
1/4 C. corn
Chopped bell pepper
Chopped tomatoes or pico de gallo
1/4 C. cheddar cheese
1-2 T Salsa
1T light sour cream

Spray skillet with cooking spray and cook both sides of tortilla over medium heat until crisp.
Slice tortilla into "chips" with a pizza cutter and place on plate.
Top tortilla "chips" with beans, corn, bell pepper and cheese.
Microwave on high for approximately one minute, or until cheese is melted.
Top with tomatoes, salsa and sour cream.

Bean Burrito

Super basic...not the most healthy recipe on this blog but I've found a way to not feel too guilty about it. Bean burritos are sort of a staple for me while I'm pregnant so I HAD to find a healthy-ish way to make them happen!

1/4 C. Black beans (canned or homemade)
1 whole wheat tortilla
1/8 c. cheddar cheese
1T light sour cream

Place beans and cheese inside tortilla.
Microwave until cheese has melted.
Serve with salsa and sour cream.

Zucchini Pizza

I'm sure everyone's seen these type of recipes floating around on Pinterest. I actually got this one from my sister-in-law. It's so easy and a great snack or lunch!

1 large zucchini
1/4 C pasta sauce (try to choose one with low calories and the least amount of ingredients)
1 cheese stick (grated)
6 slices turkey pepperoni
Cooking spray

Preheat oven to 350. Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray.
Slice zucchini lengthwise so you have long thin strips (like dill pickle stackers)
Place strips on cookie sheet and spread with pasta sauce. Add cheese and pepperoni.
Cook about 15 mins. or until heated through

Note: If you're a zucchini lover, you can use thicker slices of zucchini (like maybe even half a zucchini?). But for those of us who haven't quite converted to vegetarianism yet, the slices are enough!

Taco Lettuce Wrap

I got the idea for this recipe here. My version follows it pretty closely, although I do use ground beef instead of turkey. I'm not terrified of red meat and eat it at least once a week. I thought this was a great recipe to go ahead and use it, since you're saving calories on the tortillas anyway.

So, here it is:

6oz ground beef
Taco seasoning to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
1/8 C cheddar cheese
2 romaine lettuce leaves
Chopped tomato
1T Macayo's Taco Sauce

Make beef into patties, season and pan fry or grill.
Place inside lettuce leaf (like a taco shell).
Top with cheese, tomatoes and taco sauce

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I never realized how GOOD salads are until I started trying to lose weight. They're REALLY good and there are SO many possibilities!  If you're not a salad person, try just making a side salad with most of your meals.  It will make them more filling, and possibly make you try different kinds until you find one you really like, and hopefully turn you into a salad person.

I have to brag here...while I'm not that great of a cook, I've never made a salad that didn't get compliments. SO, here are some salad options, along with a few secrets that I think make a salad top notch:
Tuna-red leaf lettuce, thick tomato slices (or cherry tomatoes),celery, boiled egg, red onion, cheese and tuna. Pickle on the side.

Southwest-chopped grilled chicken, tomato (or pico de gallo), grilled or fresh bell pepper and onion, corn, black beans, avocado, salsa, cheese and light Hidden Valley ranch.
House-Chopped lean lunch meat, tomato, cheese, cucumber, carrots, celery, peas, cheese and light Hidden Valley Ranch.
Olive Garden- green leaf lettuce, thick tomato chunks, olives, red onion slices and mozzarella cheese and light italian dressing mixed with light Hidden Valley Ranch.

I know there are ENDLESS options for salads but those are the ones I've tried and stick to. I've really been wanting to master a fruity or Asian type salad but haven't found one that's stuck. Probably mostly because I can't give up my ranch! Does anyone have any good salads to share?

Now for my "What Makes a Good Salad Great" spiel:

First, I always use crisp lettuce. I may be wasteful, but I will throw my lettuce out once it starts to wilt or brown. Lettuce is not the food to try to stretch the expiration date...eeew! Use that for motivation to eat more salads before the lettuce goes bad!

Second, I always chop my lettuce. Whenever I see a "chopped salad" on a menu, it always speaks to me. Something about it just seems crisper, fresher and more...I don't know...crunchy?
Third, use real lettuce! Iceberg is an imposter and steals away all the nutrients you could be getting with real lettuce! If I can only afford one lettuce, or am making a small salad, I almost always use red leaf lettuce. I like the flavor and you get some color and nutrition without the rougher texture of some other lettuces. Ideally, when I make a big salad, I use a mix of red leaf, green leaf and romaine. If you're new to lettuce options, these three are usually right next to each other in the grocery store and tend to cost about the same.

Fourth, evenly distribute your ingredients. Most people tend to be more in favor of ingredients like tomatoes, avocado, olives and cheese; and those are ingredients I usually let overpower the salad a little more. It seems like beets, celery and radishes rarely make the "favorites list" but I still feel like they're a key to a healthy salad so I still use them, just more sparingly. Although I really like veggies like bell pepper and red onion, they carry a lot of flavor on their own so I try to be sparing with those as well. Usually, I try to have the "un-favorite" veggies be about 1/2 the size of the "favorites". Does that make sense?  Have you ever eaten a salad and afterward, your plate is left with a bunch of one or two ingredients, even though you tried to choke down as much as possible?  That was probably an unevenly porportioned salad.
And last, but certainly not least, season your salad! I've gotten to the point where I can not eat a salad without at least peppering it first! Usually I will use garlic salt, Mrs. Dash and pepper before tossing a salad. And, if I really want to make it good and have the time, I'll individually season some of the more wet ingredients like tomatoes and avocado.


I LOVE sandwiches! (I think I've said I LOVE every food I've made a recipe for so far! It's true, I have a problem, but I'm trying to control it with a love for healthy food!)

If you're not a sandwich person (as I've heard some people are, WHAT??), try putting any of these ingredients into a pita pocket (see post here) or a wrap (post here)

If you are, let me share some of my favorites!

Turkey on whole wheat bread with light mayo or mashed avocado, red onion, bell pepper, tomato, lettuce and spinach. I usually eat it with a pickle, cheese stick and apple or grapes on the side.

Tuna or canned chicken with light mayo, red onion, tomato, lettuce and grated cheese. I really love to spice my tuna well and usually use pepper, garlic salt or Mrs. Dash and a little Stevia. I eat this with a pickle spear and fruit on the side as well.

BLT with light mayo or avocado, turkey bacon, lettuce and tomato. I always toast my bread first with a BLT. Is that universal? Usually, I'll have a salad on the side with my BLT and Crystal Lite. It reminds me of my Grandma Slade, who would eat a BLT and Iced Tea every day for lunch.

Pita Sandwich

One of my favorite lunches! For whatever reason, sometimes it just tastes a lot better than a sandwich!

1 Pita pocket
3-4 slices lean lunchmeat
2-3 tomato slices
1 lettuce leaf or spinach
1T light Hidden Valley ranch
1 Cheese stick (grated)
1 Dill Pickle spear
1 small apple

Gently open pita pocket and layer all ingredients inside.
Serve with pickle spear and apple on the side.

Personal Pizza

This is a great option when you get a craving for pizza! Again, add whatever veggies you like. Here's what I usually do:

1 Sandwich round or Pita Pocket
1/4 C. homemade or healthy pasta sauce (look for something with low calories and a small amount of ingredients)ss
1 Cheese stick (grated)
6 turkey pepperoni slices
Squash and/or zucchini slices
Bell pepper slices (any color)
Red onion slices

Toast sandwich round or pita pocket.
Spread each side with pasta sauce.
Add cheese, followed by veggies and pepperoni.
Microwave until cheese is melted (usually about a minute)